Welcome to the Main Committee page.
Here you can find general information, forthcoming events, photographs and news articles about the Main Committee.
Club Members only; log in to view.
Committee notices and documents
About the Main Committee
The Main Committee is the management committee of Ribble Cruising Club. It is comprised of the club’s Trustees, the Honorary Secretaries, the Honorary Treasurer elected Flag Officers, Chairmen of the various sub-committees and three elected Members. The main Committee may also augment its numbers by the appointment of a maximum of three co-opted members who serve until the next AGM. Officers (elected at the AGM) serve on the Main Committee until the following AGM whilst the three directly elected Main Committee members serve for a period of two years.
The Main Committee manages policy and the financial affairs of the club in accordance with the club’s standing rules with a view to maintaining and improving the club’s facilities for current members and ensuring the club’s sustainability for future generations.
The Main Committee appoints the various sub-committees to which it delegates duties, responsibilities and resources to ensure the smooth day to day running of the club. Each of the current sub-committees has its own page on this website.
Normally meeting on the first Tuesday of each month, the Main Committee hears reports from each of the sub-committee Chairmen and debates and decides upon matters raised by committee members, meetings are generally of around two hours duration although where we have had a packed agenda, they have been known to last longer.
A non- voting Minutes Secretary takes minutes of all Main Committee meetings, a copy of which, in the past, have been posted on the clubhouse notice board. With the advent of the new club website, the minutes of Main Committee meetings and Sub-Committee meetings will be available (to RCC members only) online.
Any member wishing to become involved with a Sub-Committee should contact the Chairman of that Sub-Committee. Any member wishing to sit on the Main Committee should make their wish known to the Commodore as early in the club year as possible and must, in accordance with club rules, complete the nomination form supplied with the notice of the AGM.