Ribble Cruising Club | Lytham | Lancashire
Sailing on the Ribble estuary since 1950

Contact Us

Please use this form for general enquiries regarding Ribble Cruising Club.

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Your Phone Number


    Your Message

    Postal Address

    Our Clubhouse & correspondence
    address is:

    The Promenade,
    Central Beach,
    FY8 5LD.


    The club phone number is operative
    Tuesday and Friday Nights on:

    01253 739983

    Location Map

    Click below to view the location of our Clubhouse and Dock.

    Location Map


    • Apr212018

      Final opportunity to ‘Try Sailing’ at Fairhaven Lake on Wednesday 30th May

    • Apr082018

      Last Tuesday Talk -April 24th 2018

      ‘The Golden Age’: Lancaster and West Indies c.1750-1820

      by Dr Michael Winstanley.

      LTT April 2018 version 2 web
    • Mar292018

      Film and Curry Evening -Saturday, 7th April

      for more information…..

      180329 Curry and Film evening poster
    • Mar292018

      RYA Cruising News – April Edition

    • Mar192018

      RIP Mike Feeley

      We are sorry to announce that Mike Feeley passed away last week.

      Mike Feeley RIP 15th March 2018
    • Mar082018

      Fairhaven Lake Sail Training 2018 -starts 25 April

      Sail training at the lake starts again on Wednesday the 25th April.

      Members please note that on the following Wednesday evenings in May, priority will be given to ‘Try Sailors’. You are more than welcome to come along, help rig, launch, chat to the new people and encourage them.

    • Mar062018
    • Mar052018

      UC Eskmeals Firing Programme, update: 19th to 30th March 2018

      Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2018 2:54 PM

      Subject: UC Eskmeals Firing Programme for 19th March to 30th March 2018

      MOD Eskmeals – Activity Alert: 19th March to 30th March 2018

      Dear Resident,

      Detailed below is advance notification of activities which may be noticed in your neighbourhood. All of the limitations and stipulations outlined below apply.

      Date            Reason for Notification
      19 March No Firing
      20 to 22 March Firing
      23 March No Firing
      26 March Firing
      27 to 30 March No Firing

      I hope that you find this information useful. Please feel free to pass it on to your neighbours.


      Yours faithfully,



      Sent: Monday, March 05, 2018 11:09 AM
      Subject: FW: UC Eskmeals Firing Programme for 5th March to 16th March 2018

      MOD Eskmeals – Activity Alert: 5th March to 16th March 2018 

      Dear Resident,                                                                           

      Detailed below is advance notification of activities which may be noticed in your neighbourhood. All of the limitations and stipulations outlined below apply.  


      Reason for Notification

      05 to 07 March

      No Firing

      08 to 09 March


      12 March

      No Firing

      13 to 15 March


      16 March

      No Firing










      I hope that you find this information useful. Please feel free to pass it on to your neighbours.

      Yours faithfully,


      Limitations and Stipulations

      All activity on the site is conducted in a strictly controlled environment and presents no danger to the public. Please note that the weather, tide times and other operational requirements play a crucial part in trials planning and scheduling. Any one, or a combination of these factors, may mean that the activity has to be cancelled and rescheduled at short notice and it may not be possible to provide you with an updated schedule of work.

      The flying of red flags at the range boundary, or the lima flag (yellow and black quartered) at further points, indicates to members of the public that the range is active and there will be firing activities taking place.  At those times the byelaws noted on the signs near to the flags are in force.  If the red (or lima) flags are not flying, the range is not active and there will be no firing activities undertaken and as such the byelaws are not in force.

      Please be aware that QinetiQ carries out work at MOD Eskmeals on behalf of the MOD, under contract with the Secretary of State for Defence.  Because of the nature of the work, QinetiQ is limited as to the level and detail of information it can provide in these communications. 

      QinetiQ operates a free phone care line number, 0800 0150536 for members of the public to call with any queries or concerns. 

      Please feel free to forward this message on to others who you feel may benefit. 

      If you do not wish to receive these notifications please reply to this email with a request to unsubscribe.

      Yours sincerely

      “This information has been generated for the purposes of informing the public as to QinetiQ’s scheduled operations at the MOD Eskmeals Range and it is acknowledged that the information may be included in other websites and publications. Please note that QinetiQ does not accept responsibility for or endorse any independent website or publication  which features this information.”

      Penny Haworth
      Community Liaison Officer, ESKMEALS RANGE
      Tel: 0800 0150536
      QinetiQ – Delivering customer-focused solutions

      Please consider the environment before printing this email

    • Mar052018

      RYA Cruising News March 2018 edition

      Follow the link below to go to the RYA page



    • Mar012018

      Last Tuesday Talk-Sea Safety