Follow the link on the home page to vote and for information related to local boatbuilder David Moss and the gaff cutter ‘Polly’ that he recently completed building and is now listed for a Classic Boats award.
The last three years have seen American boats win, please vote for Polly at the classic boat awards and help us bring the trophy back to Britain, the closing date is the end of February.
Dear All,
Notice to Mariners
Notice of Loss of Communications with Met Mast on Shell Flat Bank
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to advise all marine navigators that IT communications have been lost with a met mast located on Shell Flat Bank and may pose a hazard to marine navigation.
The 80 m met mast located on Shell Flat Bank is located at:
Lat 53° 52’ 423 Long 003° 12’ 133
One visual observation indicated that the navigation lights on the above met mast could not be seen (the aviation light on top of the mast is working).
Work is ongoing to verify the status of the lights and as soon as weather and conditions permit a full investigation will take place with work to reinstate communications at the met mast.
Attached with this notice is a picture of both masts as well as a small chartlet showing their location on the Shell Flats Bank.
Please note that the chartlet is provided for information purposes only and should not be used for navigation.
If you know of any fisherman who works the area and does not receive this information or anybody else who would benefit from this information please let me know.
Any changes to the status of lighting at the met mast will be communicated in further Notice to Mariners.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you are unsure about any of the above or require any further information, also please pass this information to any of your colleagues who you think might be interested.
Ørsted would like to thank you for your co-operation during this period.