Welcome to the House Committee page.
Here you can find general information, forthcoming events, photographs and news articles about the House Committee.
Club Members only; log in to view.
Committee notices and documents
About the House Committee
The RCC House Committee is an amalgamation of the previous Social and Ladies Committees and organises various fixed and flexible events throughout the year.
The fixed events comprise:
- Commodore’s House Warming/ Christmas Party – December
- New Years Eve Party – December
- Commodore’s Sherry Evening – March
- Fitting out Dinner – April
- Laying Up Supper – November
The flexible events can comprise:
- Burn’s Night festivities
- Regatta and Open meeting meals and entertainment
- And any others that are thought to promote the social life of the club.
We also provide catering for sailing events as required throughout the year.
The above can take the form of partial outside catering, in house catering or organising a Jacob’s Join. The house committee members and any other willing volunteers prepare the room, organise table plans and layout to ensure a smooth operation and ensure a successful event. Following the event we get the task of ensuring table dismantling and tidying away takes place.
For special occasions the Committee organises events at an outside venue.
Committee meetings are very informal, held when required and are fun!
Everyone is welcome!