Ribble Cruising Club | Lytham | Lancashire
Sailing on the Ribble estuary since 1950

Contact Us

Please use this form for general enquiries regarding Ribble Cruising Club.

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Your Phone Number


    Your Message

    Postal Address

    Our Clubhouse & correspondence
    address is:

    The Promenade,
    Central Beach,
    FY8 5LD.


    The club phone number is operative
    Tuesday and Friday Nights on:

    01253 739983

    Location Map

    Click below to view the location of our Clubhouse and Dock.

    Location Map

    New Site “Sign In” is Now Operational

    New Site “Sign In” is Now Operational
    9th Nov 2016 Richard Hoad
    In Main [Notices]



    The transfer of our website to a new system has meant that previous login IDs have been lost.  The new site has now been equipped with a new registration system which I have tested, and it is working.

    To become a registered user of the site (RCC Club Members only) you need to click on the person icon at the top right of your screen and then click on the “Sign Up” tab.  This will take you to a Richmedia screen that allows you to register.

    Enter a personal “user name”  of your choice (I would prefer it was your real name so I can manage the user ids if needed at a later date).  Then enter the Email address you want your password to be controlled through.  Click on “Register”.  The site will tell you it has sent an email to your email address.  Now look  in your email system for a mail from “WordPress”, (my email ended up in my “Spam” folder so be aware that some email systems see the mail as spam).  This mail will identify your user name and will have a link to click on to set your password.  Follow the instructions carefully and when complete you will get a note on your screen to say that you have registered.

    Now when you use the site and “Log In” you will be able to see the “Members Only” documents on the site.

    I hope this will all work seamlessly for you. If you have a problem, email me or phone and I will help you with it.



    Communications Officer