Attached is a NtM issued by Transmission Capital concerning Diving Operations that are to be carried out at the Offshore Sub-Station at the ORMONDE OFFSHORE WIND FARM
The DIVE PLATFORM/SUPPORT VESSEL will be ‘YORKSHIRE LADY’ and Dive Operations are expected to start on Thursday 18th May and will last for approx. 7 days, depending weather and conditions.
All work will be carried out in the immediate vicinity of the Sub-Station.
‘YORKSHIRE LADY’ will display the ALPHA FLAG (White and Blue) whenever DIVERS are deployed but a minimum 500 meters Safety Exclusion Zone is requested for this vessel at all times when on site.
During Dive Operations the bow of the vessel will be connected to the ORMONDE Sub-Station (or Offshore Platform) by two Poly-Ethelene/Propylene lines of up to 25 m length, anchors at the stern of the vessel will be deployed at approximately 175 m from the vessel in a NE and SE alignment.
Included with the attached NtM is a small chartlet which shows the location of the works in relation to the Wind Farm as well as a picture of ‘YORKSHIRE LADY’
Also attached for information is the ‘Kingfisher Flyer’ which gives all of the relevant information concerning the ORMONDE OFFSHORE WIND FARM
Please note that the ‘Flyer’ is provided for information relating to the Wind Farm only and should not be used for navigation.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information
Regards : Tom Watson
Tel……….. Mobile 07903 173 624
Home 01253 87
Ormonde Export Dive Works 110517
Ormonde Export Dive Works 110517