Richard Hoad
Wind Farm News
In preparation for the construction of the WALNEY EXTENSION (WOWO3+4) WIND FARM the Bulk Carrier/Rock Placement (Fall Pipe) vessel ‘NORDNES’ will shortly begin depositing scour protection at all of the Turbine positions within the proposed WIND FARM SITE.
‘NORDNES’ can be expected to arrive on site on or around Sunday 11th December and operations to place scour protection at all of the proposed Turbine positions are expected to last approx. two months, depending on weather and conditions.
Scour protection will be deposited at Wind Turbine positions only and only within the proposed Wind Farm perimeter, there is no proposal to deposit scour protection at any position or in any area along the proposed Export Cable Route.
‘NORDNES’ will operate around the clock while on site but will leave periodically to sail back to base in Norway to re-load.
During Rock Placement operations ‘NORDNES’ will have limited manoeuvrability and a wide berth, minimum 500 meters, is requested at all times whenever the vessel is on site.
In the interests of safety all mariners, and in particular fishermen, are requested and advised to keep clear of and not enter the proposed Wind Farm site as shown on the attached chartlet during this period of work if in doubt or unsure please contact me.
This proposed Wind Farm is identified as two section WALNEY OFFSHORE 3 and WALNEY OFFSHORE 4 (WOWO3+4)
Attached for information is a small chartlet which shows the proposed Wind Farm with the co-ordinates given for both sections, there is also a picture of ‘NORDNES’
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information.
Regards : Tom Watson
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