A weekend specialist course for more advanced dinghy sailors, to improve their skills ahead of the new season. We will be using ‘2000 performance’ dinghies. Amongst other exercises you will be undertaking; sailing without a rudder, man over board, anchoring, sailing backwards, capsize drills. You will need reasonable previous dinghy experience and it will be physically demanding.
No assumed knowledge or experience required. Minimum age 17. All you need to know for self-sufficient powerboating at a basic level. Course includes launching, mooring, anchoring and recovery plus all the boat driving skills required for basic competence in a powerboat. Outcome; Self-sufficient powerboater in the right conditions, aware of own limitations and those of craft
Captain Barnacle
Fairhaven Lake Sail Training 2018 -starts 25 April
Sail training at the lake starts again on Wednesday the 25th April.
Members please note that on the following Wednesday evenings in May, priority will be given to ‘Try Sailors’. You are more than welcome to come along, help rig, launch, chat to the new people and encourage them.
The RCC Clubhouse has been booked by our Training Team for delivery of the Day Skipper Course every Wednesday evening from 19:00 to 21:30 commencing Wednesday 27th September 2017 to Wednesday 28th February 2018 inclusive.