Captain Barnacle
Last Tuesday Talk -Places Legends and Tales of the Fylde Coast
‘Places Legends and Tales of the Fylde Coast’A welcome return for Dr Graham Evans who will this time regale uswith Legends, tales and places of the Fylde Coast. We can expect anentertaining evening. -
Captain Barnacle
Vote for David Moss’s gaff cutter ‘Polly’ in the Classic Boat awards
Follow the link on the home page to vote and for information related to local boatbuilder David Moss and the gaff cutter ‘Polly’ that he recently completed building and is now listed for a Classic Boats award.
The last three years have seen American boats win, please vote for Polly at the classic boat awards and help us bring the trophy back to Britain, the closing date is the end of February.
Richard Hoad
Last Tuesday Talk ‘The Stars are ours’ by Don Kurz UCLA
26th September ‘ The Stars are ours’ by Don Kurz UCLA
“What good is astronomy?” Through colourful historical anecdotes and science this talk leads from a lonely death in a cold stone tower over 400 years ago to the discovery of the ultimate energy source for humanity – the biggest payoff of all time. Hear stories of wealth and poverty, castles and dungeons, kings and princes, sailors, sea battles and voyages of discovery as we look back at the improbable, unpredictable path that gave us the Power of the Stars.
Richard Hoad
Last Tuesday Talk “Tales of a Masterwinchman & his Helicopters”
25th April ‘Tales of a ‘Masterwinchman & his Helicopters
Alan Pook is a retired Masterwinchman from the RAF Air Sea Rescue Service. He will tell us of his experiences & his real life rescues.
Richard Hoad
Last Tuesday Talk
Don’t miss the last “Last Tuesday Talk” of this season on 25th April when we will hear all about helicopters and saving lives from a winchman’s perspective.