Dear All,
The Cable Lay vessel ‘VOLANTIS’ (picture attached) is scheduled to arrive on site at the WALNEY EXTENSION WIND FARM SITE on or around Thursday 3rd August
‘VOLANTIS’ will carry out the Pull In of the Interlink Cable between the two Sub-Stations WOWO3 (Z03) and WOWO4 (Z04) as well as the Pull In of the WOWO4 EXPORT CABLE into the WOWO4 Sub-Station (Z04)
Duration of the work is expected to be 7 to 10 days, depending on weather and conditions
All mariners please note that during this period Cable Pull In operations could be carried out both inside and outside the perimeter of the buoyed Wind Farm Site and if necessary the site Guard Vessel ‘KARIMA’ can be contacted on VHF Channels 16 & 12 for information relating to any Cable or Turbine Installation vessel movement.
Also attached for information is a small chartlet which shows both WOWO4 Farshore Export Cable run (shaded green) as well as the Interlink Export Cable run (shaded dark blue) with both Sub-Stations identified.
Please note that the chartlet is provided for information purposes only and should not be used for navigation.
If you know of any fisherman who works the area and does not receive this information or anybody else who would benefit from this information please let me know.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information
Regards : Tom Watson
Tel………. Mobile 07903 173 624
Home 01253 875565