Ribble Cruising Club | Lytham | Lancashire
Sailing on the Ribble estuary since 1950

Contact Us

Please use this form for general enquiries regarding Ribble Cruising Club.

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Your Phone Number


    Your Message

    Postal Address

    Our Clubhouse & correspondence
    address is:

    The Promenade,
    Central Beach,
    FY8 5LD.


    The club phone number is operative
    Tuesday and Friday Nights on:

    01253 739983

    Location Map

    Click below to view the location of our Clubhouse and Dock.

    Location Map

    Dock [Notices]

    • Nov052020

      Following HM Government’s Instructions regarding Covid-19 Lock-down 2 the attached instructions are issued regarding club sailing

      Ribble Cruising Club’s advice based on the Legal interpretation by the RYA.

      Very little sailing activity is permitted

      ·         Water sports centres must close

      ·         Private Land may not be used for launching

      ·         Private Land Facilities should be closed

      ·         Private Land may not be used for recreation (Angling, Walking, Sailing)

      ·         Dinghy Parks should be closed except for absolutely essential maintenance only (Dinghies should not be removed unless essential)

      ·         Access for Essential Maintenance only may be performed in Marinas / Private Land

      ·         Working Parties are not allowed

      Clubs should be concerned with respect to public perception if something is observed by the public that clubs shouldn’t be doing…

      Apparently Public Slipways may be used by a member of the Public in their own Boat. However You are not permitted to enter a club dinghy park and launch off a public slip!

      Below PDF relates specifically to the dock.

      Covid_19 II Dock Notice



    • May222020

      Sad news about Steve Trafford

    • May162020

      RCC Dock -Updated Covid-19 Bulletin

    • Apr182020

      Peter Manning RIP 16th April 2020

    • Apr172020

      Covid-19 RCC Dock Operations

    • Feb122020

      Notice to Mariners -EASTERN IRISH SEA WIND FARMS

      Dear All,

       Please find attached the latest ‘Regional Local Notice to Mariners’ (week 7) concerning the forthcoming weeks activities for ORSTEDS WIND FARMS in the Irish Sea.

      This notice lists changes to the Aids to Navigation Availability at the BURBO BANK 1 WIND FARM and proposed Jack-up operations in the region

      Awareness items in the notice relate to the following wind farms:

      Wind Farm


                                                  Barrow Area and Cumbrian Coast

      Barrow Offshore


      West of Duddon Sands


      Walney Offshore Extensions  1 & 2

      WOW 01  –  WOW 02

      Walney Offshore Extensions  3 & 4

      WOW 03  –  WOW 04

                                                                   Liverpool Bay

      Burbo Bank Wind Farm

      BBW 01

      Burbo Bank Extension

      BBW 02 (EXT)




      Subsea Cables Information and KIS-ORCA Wind Farm Awareness Charts  (Page 4)


      Chartlet showing General Location of Operational Wind Farms as well as key contact details  (Page 5)


      Notice to Mariners Summary  (Page 6)


      BARROW    (Page 7)  Turbines A01, A07, B08, D01, D03, D06, and D08 – Navigation lights extinguished


      BURBO 01   (Page 8)

      Navigation Light Extinguished Turbine  BB42   –  Fog Signal Inoperative Turbine BB38

      BURBO 02 (EXT.)  (Page 9)

      Fog Signal Inoperative Turbine C01

      Wave Buoy Light Extinguished and Radar Reflector missing


      WALNEY 01 & 02    (Page 10)


      WALNEY 01

      Fog Signal Inoperative Turbine A11


      WALNEY 02

      Nothing to report



      WALNEY 03    (Page 11)

      Nothing to report


      WALNEY 04   (Page 11)

      Nothing to report


      North Cardinal Mark in position 54º 09.72’N      003º49.58’W is extinguished.

      West  Cardinal Mark in position 54° 06.63’N       003°55.33’W is extinguished

      South Cardinal Mark in position 54°00.21’N        003°34.66’W is extinguished



      WEST of DUDDON SANDS    (Page 12 & 13)

      Please note that ‘WIND SERVER’ is now working in the sector marked as Area 3 (Yellow).

      Please refer to attached ‘Area Identification Chartlet’

      It is requested that fishing and laying gear is avoided in the whole of Area 3 (Yellow) until notified that the works are complete.

      Duration dates are dependent on weather and work progress

      All Navigation Aids are fully operational



      Please do not hesitate to contact me if you are unsure about any of the content or require any further information, also please pass this information to any of your colleagues who you think might be interested.

      If you know of any fisherman who works the area and does not receive this information or anybody else who would benefit from this information please let me know.


      Regards  :  Tom Watson

      Tel………..  Mobile 07903 173 624

                          Home 01253 875565

      Ørsted Regional NtM Update Week 7
      WoDS Area Identification Chartlet

    • Feb062020

      Eskmeals Firing Details 3-14 Feb 2020 updated 13.02.20

    • Sep072017

      WEST of DUDDON SANDS WIND FARM – Fish Survey Update


      From: Tom Watson

      Sent: Monday, September 04, 2017 9:03 AM

      To: Tom Watson


      Dear All,

      ‘BENAIAH IV’ (picture attached) has completed the Benthic Survey at the BURBO 2 (EXT) WIND FARM and is now arriving on site at the WEST of DUDDON SANDS WIND FARM to start the Fish Survey


      This survey consists of 23 Otter Trawls and 23 Beam Trawls (using the 2m Beam) and will last for approx. 5 days, again depending on weather and conditions.

      The attached small chartlet gives an overview of the survey with the trawl survey positions in red and the beam trawl survey positions blue.

      This survey is not expected to interfere with any other vessel

      A listening watch will be kept on VHF Channels 16 & 12 as well as monitoring VHF Channel 14 and ‘BENAIAH IV’ can be contacted for information relating to vessel movement only



      For more information on the boundaries of the 50 metre Advisory Safety distances please ensure that you have the latest KIS-ORCA information installed – this can be downloaded from http://www.KIS-ORCA.eu

      Please also consult the MMO website : https://www.gov.uk/guidance/marking-of-fishing-gear-retrieval-and-notification-of-lost-gear

      If fishing inside the Wind Farm you are advised to use Dhan Buoys anchored towards the middle of the lane with a long weighted feed line rather than Marker Buoys that can be moved by the strong tides and so foul the Turbines.


       Attached for information is the ‘Kingfisher Flyer’ which gives all of the relevant information concerning WEST of DUDDON SANDS WIND FARM as well as the picture of ‘BENAIAH’.

       Please note that the ‘Flyers’ are for provided for information purposes relating to the Wind Farm only and should not be used for navigation.

      If you know of any fisherman who works the area and does not receive this information or anybody else who would benefit from this information please let me know.

      Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information

      Regards :  Tom Watson

      Tel………. Mobile 07903 173 624

                        Home 01253 875565


      ‘BENAIAH 1V’
    • May172017

      Draft Dredging Notice