Notice to Mariners that provides a positive update on the recent essential repairs to both the swing bridge and lock gate No.3 north at Riversway, Preston.
Captain Barnacle
NTM – Preston Dock Entrance to be temporarily closed.
Please be advised that the local ‘Regional Local Notice to Mariners’ concerning the forthcoming activities for ORSTEDS WIND FARMS in the Irish Sea will now be issued on a monthly basis with updates provided should there be a requirement for an addition NtM to be distributed.
This notice lists any changes to the Aids to Navigation Availability as well as any proposed Jack-up / maintenance operations in the region
Awareness items in the notice relate to the following wind farms:
Wind Farm
Barrow Area and Cumbrian Coast
Barrow Offshore
West of Duddon Sands
Walney Offshore Extensions 1 & 2
WOW 01 – WOW 02
Walney Offshore Extensions 3 & 4
WOW 03 – WOW 04
Liverpool Bay
Burbo Bank Wind Farm
BBW 01
Burbo Bank Extension
BBW 02 (EXT)
Introduction – Subsea Cables Information and KIS-ORCA Wind Farm Awareness Charts(Page 4)
Chartlet showing General Location of Operational Wind Farms as well as key contact details (Page 5)
Notice to Mariners Summary(Page 6)
BARROW (Page 7)
Turbines A01 and A07 – Navigation lights extinguished
Nothing to Report
BURBO 01(Page 8)
Navigation Light Extinguished Turbine BB42 – Fog Signal Inoperative Turbine BB38
Nothing to Report
BURBO 02 (EXT.) (Page 9)
Lighting and Marking Status
Turbine Position : A01 53°30.089’N 003°22.363’W Navigation Light Extinguished
Turbine Position : E05 53°27.871’N 003°18.323’W Navigation Light Extinguished
Turbine Position : F01 53°30.106’N 003°17.202’W Navigation Light Extinguished
Turbine Position : L05 53°27.889’N 003°12.047’W Navigation Light Extinguished
Nothing to Report
WALNEY 01 & 02 (Page 10 & 11)
Transition Piece maintenance is being undertaken on both WALNEY 1 & 2, this programme will run for a provisional 4 months.
Sequence of locations and dates are unavailable as works will be weather dependant and coordinated to ensure no conflict with routine maintenance operations.
Mariners are requested to observe a 500m distance Safety Area around the affected Turbine(s) while works are being carried out.
The CTV “Rix Lion” (picture attached) will act as Guard Vessel during this maintenance programme with the vessel broadcasting the Turbine ID, establishment/cancellation of the safety areas and seeking contact with marine traffic approaching of nearing the areas on VHF Channel 16 and 12.
When “Rix Lion” is operating in the Wind Farm, you can assume work is being undertaken on several turbines which will have the requested Safety Areas in place.
Fog Signal Inoperative Turbine A11
Mariners are advised that due to a fault on the turbine nacelle crane there is presently a suspended load at B07, position 54 º03.23’N 003 º30.760’W
For their safety, Mariners are requested to maintain a minimum 200m from this location until the suspended load is removed, which we expect to be within 72 hours.
Nothing to report
WALNEY 03 (Page 12)
Turbine Position C01 Navigation Light Extinguished
Nothing to report
WALNEY 04 (Page 12)
Nothing to report
North Cardinal Mark in position 54º 03.42’N 003º44.99’W Light is extinguished.
West Cardinal Mark in position 54° 06.63’N 003°55.33’W Light is extinguished
South Cardinal Mark in position 54°00.21’N 003°34.66’W Light is extinguished
WEST of DUDDON SANDS (Page 13 & 14)
Please note that the Jack-up ‘WIND SERVER’ is now working in the sector marked as Area 3 (Pink)
Please refer to the ‘Area Identification Chartlet’ which is at the end of the Regional Notice on Page 13
It is requested that fishing and laying of gear is avoided in the whole of Area 3 (Pink) until notified that the works are complete and fishermen are requested and advised not to set any gear close to any Turbine position inAREA 3 (PINK) as identified on the Chartlet.
Information on Safety Zones and specifications of Jack-up ‘WIND SERVER’ (Page 14)
Duration dates are dependent on weather and work progress
All Navigation Aids at WoDS are fully operational
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you are unsure about any of the content or require any further information, also please pass this information to any of your colleagues who you think might be interested.
If you know of any fisherman who works the area and does not receive this information or anybody else who would benefit from this information please let me know.
The general maintenance/inspection programme remains ongoing although the unsettled weather and conditions are continuing to cause delays.
As already advertised the programme involves the Jack-up ‘WIND SERVER’ (supported by CTVs) visiting every Turbine position and to avoid any confusion or conflict the Wind Farm has been divided into five sections or areas. The attached ‘WoDS Area Identification Chartlet 2’ clearly identifies each section, please note that the current Chartlet is slightly different from the first one issued.
As stated in earlier notices early information will be given as to which section ‘WIND SERVER’ (picture attached) will be working next.
Operations are currently in Area 2, shaded green on the attached ‘Area Identification Chartlet’ and work in this area is expected to be completed shortly.
‘WIND SERVER’ will then begin to operate in AREA 3, which is shaded Pink on the attached Chartlet and fishermen are requested and advised not to set any gear close to any Turbine position in AREA 3 as identified on the Chartlet and to please begin to re-locate any gear already there.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you are unsure about any of the above or require any further information, also please pass this information to any of your colleagues who you think might be interested.
If you know of any fisherman or any other user of the sea who works the area and does not receive this information or anybody else who would benefit from this information please let me know.