‘HBC ACHIEVER’ is now at the WALNEY 1 OFFSHORE WIND FARM to carry out Diving and R.O.V. inspections at the following nine Turbine positions :
A09, B01, C09, D01, D06, D08, E06, F03 and F04
FROM 7am UNTIL 7pm
‘HBC ACHIEVER’ will display the ALPHA FLAG from the mast as well as on a wooden board attached to either side of the bridge which will be illuminated at night.
A 500 meter safety exclusion distance is requested around ‘HBC ACHIEVER’ at all times while on site as at any time there will be DIVERS in the water.
Diving and R.O.V. Operations at WALNEY 1 are expected to last for approx. 6 days, depending on weather and conditions.
As DIVERS will access Turbine position according to the conditions of weather and tide at the time fishermen using pots are requested and advised to remove any gear away from, or avoid setting any new pots within 500 meters of, any of the above mentioned Turbine positions until informed that the Turbine has been inspected and it is safe to return, if in doubt please contact me.
Please also note that HBC Achiever will deploy Anchor Marking Buoys (yellow colour, barrel shape, Y.FL light) at recently inspected, or to be visited, Turbine positions, these Buoys will at times be left in place inside the WIND FARM during the night and will be lit during the hours of darkness.
A listening watch will be kept on VHF Channels 16 & 12 and ‘HBC ACHIEVER’ can be contacted for information relating to Vessel movement and DIVING OPERATIONS only
For more information on the boundaries of the 50 metre Advisory Safety Distances, ensure that you have the latest KIS-ORCA information installed. This can be downloaded from http://www.KIS-ORCA.eu .
The MCA have requested me to add that they provide a leaflet, free of charge, with the recommended method of marking gear. You are advised to use Dhan Buoys anchored towards the middle of the lane with a long weighted feed line rather than Marker Buoys that can be moved by the strong tides and so foul the Turbines.
Attached for information is the ‘Kingfisher Flyer’ which gives all of the relevant information concerning the WALNEY 1 & 2 WIND FARMS (WALNEY 1 is shaded blue – WALNEY 2 is shaded red), there is also attached a picture of ‘HBC ACHIEVER’.
Please note that the ‘Flyers’ are for provided for information purposes relating to the Wind Farm only and should not be used for navigation.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information
Attached is a NtM issued by Transmission Capital concerning Diving Operations that are to be carried out at the Offshore Sub-Station at the ORMONDE OFFSHORE WIND FARM
The DIVE PLATFORM/SUPPORT VESSEL will be ‘YORKSHIRE LADY’ and Dive Operations are expected to start on Thursday 18th May and will last for approx. 7 days, depending weather and conditions.
All work will be carried out in the immediate vicinity of the Sub-Station.
‘YORKSHIRE LADY’ will display the ALPHA FLAG (White and Blue) whenever DIVERS are deployed but a minimum 500 meters Safety Exclusion Zone is requested for this vessel at all times when on site.
During Dive Operations the bow of the vessel will be connected to the ORMONDE Sub-Station (or Offshore Platform) by two Poly-Ethelene/Propylene lines of up to 25 m length, anchors at the stern of the vessel will be deployed at approximately 175 m from the vessel in a NE and SE alignment.
Included with the attached NtM is a small chartlet which shows the location of the works in relation to the Wind Farm as well as a picture of ‘YORKSHIRE LADY’
Also attached for information is the ‘Kingfisher Flyer’ which gives all of the relevant information concerning the ORMONDE OFFSHORE WIND FARM
Please note that the ‘Flyer’ is provided for information relating to the Wind Farm only and should not be used for navigation.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information
MOD Eskmeals – Activity Alert: 15th to 26th May 2017
Dear Resident,
Detailed below is advance notification of activities which may be noticed in your neighbourhood. All of the limitations and stipulations outlined below apply.
Reason for Notification
15 to 19 May
22 to 26 May
I hope that you find this information useful. Please feel free to pass it on to your neighbours.
Yours faithfully,
Limitations and Stipulations
All activity on the site is conducted in a strictly controlled environment and presents no danger to the public. Please note that the weather, tide times and other operational requirements play a crucial part in trials planning and scheduling. Any one, or a combination of these factors, may mean that the activity has to be cancelled and rescheduled at short notice and it may not be possible to provide you with an updated schedule of work.
The flying of red flags at the range boundary, or the lima flag (yellow and black quartered) at further points, indicates to members of the public that the range is active and there will be firing activities taking place. At those times the byelaws noted on the signs near to the flags are in force. If the red (or lima) flags are not flying, the range is not active and there will be no firing activities undertaken and as such the byelaws are not in force.
Please be aware that QinetiQ carries out work at MOD Eskmeals on behalf of the MOD, under contract with the Secretary of State for Defence. Because of the nature of the work, QinetiQ is limited as to the level and detail of information it can provide in these communications.
QinetiQ operates a free phone care line number, 0800 0150536 for members of the public to call with any queries or concerns.
Please feel free to forward this message on to others who you feel may benefit.
If you do not wish to receive these notifications please reply to this email with a request to unsubscribe.
Yours sincerely
“This information has been generated for the purposes of informing the public as to QinetiQ’s scheduled operations at the MOD Eskmeals Range and it is acknowledged that the information may be included in other websites and publications. Please note that QinetiQ does not accept responsibility for or endorse any independent website or publication which features this information.”
Penny Haworth Community Liaison Officer, ESKMEALS RANGE
Tel: 0800 0150536
email: Eskmealsenquiries@qinetiq.com
A Bathymetric Survey that will cover all 102 Turbine positions, all of the Infield or Inter-Array Cables as well as the two Sub-Stations is scheduled for the WALNEY 1 & 2 OFFSHORE WIND FARMS.
The survey can be expected to start on or around Thursday 11th May and will be carried out by the Bibby Hydromap’s 15 meter survey catamaran ‘LIA’ as soon as this vessel completes and then demobilises from the ORMONDE EXPORT CABLE SURVEY.
‘LIA’ will operate on a 12 hr daylight only schedule and start date and length of survey is dependent on weather and conditions but the survey can be expected to run for approx. 7 to 9 days
All mariners should please note that as ‘LIA’ will be using highly sensitive Multi Beam Echo Sounding Equipment a wide berth, minimum 500 meters, is requested around the vessel at all times and passing vessels are requested to reduce speed if possible.
Attached for information is a small chartlet which shows the Wind Farm Layout with the Turbine positions as black dots, the Infield (or Inter-Array) Cables as red lines and the two Sub-Stations red triangles, there is also a picture of ‘LIA’
Also attached is the ‘Kingfisher Flyer’ which gives all of the relevant information concerning WALNEY 1 & 2 (WALNEY 1 is shaded blue – WALNEY 2 is shaded red).
Please note that the ‘Flyers’ are for provided for information purposes relating to the Wind Farm only and should not be used for navigation.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information.
Please note that as this area is now designated as a construction site all mariners are requested and advised to mark the positions of these Buoys on their charts/plotters and unless there are matters relating to their own safety or the safety of others they should keep clear and not enter the buoyed area until the Wind Farm has been commissioned with the Buoys removed and you have been informed.
Please refer to attachment Page 1
Both Offshore Sub-Station Z03 (section WOWO3) and Z04 (section WOWO4) have been installed.
The accommodation Jack-up ‘SEA FOX 2’ is on site and jacked-up close to the WOWO3 Offshore Sub-Station (Z03), ‘SEA FOX 2’ will remain at this location for approx. 2 months.
Mono-piles complete with Transition Pieces now installed section WOWO4 : G05
Two installation vessels are on site, ‘AEOLUS’ that will make regular journeys to Belfast to re-load and the jack-up ‘SVANEN’ which will remain on site and be serviced by the tugs ‘VIKING’ and ‘NEPTUNE MARINER’ transiting between the Wind Farm site and Belfast on a regular basis towing Mono-Piles and Transition Pieces out for ‘SVANEN’ to install.
Various support and Anchor Handling Tugs (AHTs) are on site to assist in manoeuvring and installation
A 500 minimum meter Safety Exclusion Distance is requested around all of the construction vessel at all times while on site
All mariners should note that there will be a constant stream of traffic between the Wind Farm Site, Belfast, Barrow and Heysham.
At least two CTVs will also be operating within the construction area
Pictures of the Installation vessels as well as some of the Anchor Handling and Transport Tugs that can be expected on site and in the area is on page 2 of the attachment.
’KARIMA’ will conduct 6 hourly Securite broadcasts informing Mariners of site relevant safety information, these will be announced on VHF Channel 16 and broadcast will take place on VHF channel 67 at 06:00, 12:00, 18:00 & 00:00.
Please note that the chartlets are for provided for information purposes only and should not be used for navigation.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you are unsure about any of the above or require any further information, also please pass this information to any of your colleagues who you think might be interested.
If you know of any fisherman who works the area and does not receive this information or anybody else who would benefit from this information please let me know.