Ribble Cruising Club | Lytham | Lancashire
Sailing on the Ribble estuary since 1950

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    Our Clubhouse & correspondence
    address is:

    The Promenade,
    Central Beach,
    FY8 5LD.


    The club phone number is operative
    Tuesday and Friday Nights on:

    01253 739983

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    Posts tagged with ‘Training’

    • Jul242017

      BURBO BANK 2 Update

      Dear All,


      The self-propelled Jack-up vessel ‘MV WIND’ can be expected to arrive on site at the BURBO BANK 2 (EXT) WIND FARM on or around Saturday 29th July.


      Once on site ‘MV WIND’ jack-up at Turbine F01 and carry out some maintenance work which is expected to take approx. 1 day depending on weather and conditions.


      At all times while on site a wide berth, minimum 500 meters, is requested around ‘MV WIND’ and especially when it can be seen that the vessel is afloat and manoeuvring into position


      One of the CTVs (to be named) will act as support vessel and will transfer technicians out from the base in Birkenhead


      Fishermen are requested/advised not to enter the Wind Farm, or set any gear, close to the above mentioned Turbine position during this period of maintenance work.




      For more information on the boundaries of the 50 metre Advisory Safety distances please ensure that you have the latest KIS-ORCA information installed – this can be downloaded from http://www.KIS-ORCA.eu


      Please also consult the MMO website : https://www.gov.uk/guidance/marking-of-fishing-gear-retrieval-and-notification-of-lost-gear


      If fishing inside the Wind Farm you are advised to use Dhan Buoys anchored towards the middle of the lane with a long weighted feed line rather than Marker Buoys that can be moved by the strong tides and so foul the Turbines.


      A listening watch will be kept on VHF Channels 16 & 14 and ‘MV WIND’ or supporting CTV can be contacted for information relating to vessel movement only.


      Attached is the ‘Kingfisher’ chartlet which gives all of the relevant information concerning this Wind Farm as well as a picture of ‘MV WIND’


      Please note that the ‘Flyer’ is provided for information relating to the Wind Farm only and should not be used for navigation


      If you know of any fisherman who works the area and does not receive this information or anybody else who would benefit from this information please let me know.


      Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information.

      Regards  :  Tom Watson

      Tel………..  Mobile 07903 173 624

                          Home 01253 875565

      MV WIND


    • Jul212017

      RYA Day Skipper Course Planned Start September 27th 2017

      Rob is planning to run an RYA Day Skipper Course starting 27th Sepember 2017

      See poster and contact Rob for more details.

      day skipper 2017 flyer
    • Jun152017

      OYT North Last few Places Scottish Adventure

    • May082017

      Learn to “Fly” Your Dinghy

      Click on image to see the Article

    • Apr262017

      TRY SAILING 2017

      Try Sailing will start on Wednesday 26 April 2017 and continue for 6 weeks.

    • Mar182017
    • Jan182017

      First Aid Course Organised for 11th March 2017

      Click on Image for larger view


    • Jun202016

      Training opportunities at RCC

      The volunteer instructors are running instruction nights at Fairhaven Lake on Wednesday evenings from 18:30 and members are eligible to enjoy instruction afloat designed to:-

      • Increase confidence
      • Increase time afloat
      • Improve individual performance.

      As an RYA Training Centre, we are able to offer certification (National Sailing and Youth Schemes)as competence and increased knowledge is demonstrated.

      You can buy a logbook from the Training Principal and this covers all the syllabus in your particular scheme.

      We provide appropriate boats, although you are free to bring along your own boat if you prefer.

      We can provide buoyancy aids too, but if you have your own, so much the better.

      Be prepared to get wet!

      Rob Jarman, Training Principal