- Captain Barnacle
Captain Barnacle
Monthly Notice to Mariners (May) -ORSTED’S EASTERN IRISH SEA WIND FARMS
Please be advised that the local ‘Regional Local Notice to Mariners’ concerning the forthcoming activities for ORSTEDS WIND FARMS in the Irish Sea will now be issued on a monthly basis with updates provided should there be a requirement for an addition NtM to be distributed.
This notice lists any changes to the Aids to Navigation Availability as well as any proposed Jack-up / maintenance operations in the region
Awareness items in the notice relate to the following wind farms:
Wind Farm
Barrow Area and Cumbrian Coast
Barrow Offshore
West of Duddon Sands
Walney Offshore Extensions 1 & 2
WOW 01 – WOW 02
Walney Offshore Extensions 3 & 4
WOW 03 – WOW 04
Liverpool Bay
Burbo Bank Wind Farm
BBW 01
Burbo Bank Extension
BBW 02 (EXT)
Introduction – Subsea Cables Information and KIS-ORCA Wind Farm Awareness Charts (Page 4)
Chartlet showing General Location of Operational Wind Farms as well as key contact details (Page 5)
Notice to Mariners Summary (Page 6)
BARROW (Page 7) Turbine A07 – Navigation lights extinguished
BURBO 01 (Page 8)
Navigation Light Extinguished Turbine BB42 – Fog Signal Inoperative Turbine BB38
BURBO 02 (EXT.) (Page 9)
Fog Signal Inoperative Turbine C01
Wave Buoy in position 53º 30.11’N 003º21.66’W – Light Extinguished and Radar Reflector missing
The Jack-up ‘WIND ENTERPRISE’ can be expected on-site at Turbine position H01 on or around Sunday 3rd May until approx. Thursday 7th. May. Arrival will depend on weather as well as other commitments
WALNEY 01 & 02 (Page 10)
Fog Signal Inoperative Turbine A11
Nothing to report
WALNEY 03 (Page 11)
The Jack-up ‘WIND ENTERPRISE’ can be expected on-site at Turbine position F03 on or around Friday 8th. May until approx. Monday 11th . May Arrival will depend on weather as well as other commitments
WALNEY 04 (Page 11)
Nothing to report
North Cardinal Mark in position 54º 09.72’N 003º49.58’W is extinguished.
West Cardinal Mark in position 54° 06.63’N 003°55.33’W is extinguished
South Cardinal Mark in position 54°00.21’N 003°34.66’W is extinguished
WEST of DUDDON SANDS (Page 12 & 13)
The 10.1meter survey vessel ‘EGS WATCHFUL’ (picture and details attached on NtM)will be surveying at various Turbine positions in West of Duddon Sands Wind Farm.
Survey will be within the A3 (Pink) and A4 (Yellow) sections of the chart below (please note new chart) and survey can be expected to run for the next two to three weeks, depending on weather.
Survey operations will involve side scan sonar as well as highly sensitive, high resolution, multi-beam echo sounders. Safety Zone Safety Zone A wide berth, minimum of 500m and reduction in speed is requested when the vessel is operating in the wind-farm.
Please note that the Jack-up ‘WIND SERVER’ is now working in the sector marked as Area 2 (Green) but will shortly move into Area 3 (PINK) expected in next week to 10 days.
Please refer to attached ‘Area Identification Chartlet’
It is requested that fishing and laying of gear is avoided in the whole of Area 2 (Green) until notified that the works are complete and fishermen are requested and advised not to set any gear close to any Turbine position in AREA 3 (PINK) as identified on the Chartlet and to please begin to re-locate any gear already there..
Information on Safety Zones and specifications of Jack-up ‘WIND SERVER’ (Page 13)
Duration dates are dependent on weather and work progress
All Navigation Aids are fully operational
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you are unsure about any of the content or require any further information, also please pass this information to any of your colleagues who you think might be interested.
If you know of any fisherman who works the area and does not receive this information or anybody else who would benefit from this information please let me know.
Regards : Tom Watson
Tel……….. Mobile 07903 173 624Ørsted Regional NtM Update - May 2020
WIND-SERVER_Technical-SpecificationsHome 01253 875565
- Captain Barnacle
- Captain Barnacle
Captain Barnacle
Message from the Commodore regarding the club’s special arrangements due to COVID-19
Dear Member,
Ribble Cruising Club Special Arrangements due to COVID-19
We are indeed living in unprecedented times.
Just a couple of weeks ago I was looking forward to the new sailing season with enthusiasm, the club’s committees had planned an exciting programme of sailing and social activities.
Attached you will find your 2020 handbook with a packed programme of activities and a Newsletter with, amongst other things, a message from me endorsing the activities.
How much has changed in a fortnight.
I’m still looking forward to the new sailing season however as a result of the latest advice given by the UK Prime Minister, backed by the Chief Medical and Scientific Officers, our plans have had to be reviewed by the Main Committee and severely curtailed for an indefinite period.
This means that the clubhouse is now closed and there will be no group activities taking place there. All social, training and dinghy sailing activities are cancelled until further notice. The club’s committees will however continue to meet on a ‘virtual’ basis to maintain the management of the club.
Whilst the dock itself will remain open, so that members can continue to maintain and access their boats, the facilities, except for the toilet, will be closed. Launching and recovery will continue as normal, please contact the usual Dock Committee members to organise this. Notices will be posted to advise of the new temporary procedures in case of emergency.
All the social activities at the clubhouse are unfortunately cancelled in the short term, regrettably this means the Last Tuesday Talks as well as the bar being closed, so the clubhouse is not available for any bookings.
There will be no organised club sailing at Fairhaven Lake until further notice this year and we’ve decided and been advised by the RYA to cancel the ‘Try Sailing’ in May.
On a slightly positive note we may attempt to go ahead with the proposed 70th birthday party and barbeque planned at the dock for Midsummer’s eve, albeit in a slightly modified format. We may all need some sort of relief by then!
Ribble Cruising Club’s Facebook Group is the place to keep in touch with any club gossip and changes to the present situation. Notices will also periodically be posted on the website advising of any changes in circumstances.
Stay safe and healthy!
Andrew Walls (RCC Commodore)
- Captain Barnacle
- Captain Barnacle
- Captain Barnacle
- Captain Barnacle
- Captain Barnacle